Lymphatic Drainage itec Level 3
Lymphatic Drainage Level 3
Lymphatic drainage massage has gained popularity in recent times. In our treatment centre we certainly see many new patient post cosmetic surgeries on a regular basis since 2020.
Lymphatic system helps body with immunity and is used by the body to mobilise fat. Post covid the demand for this treatment has increased due to its detox and immunity enhancing benefits.
The Level 3 Certificate in Lymphatic Massage is a job ready qualification based on National Occupational Standards.

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What this course covers
The Course covers Unit 360 Provide Lymphatic Drainage Massage for complementary therapies and Unit 361 Reflective Practice for Lymphatic Drainage Massage.
Course Delivery
You will complete your practical training with us.
Where possible we will try to get models for learners to practice on. However, practicing on live models is learners responsibility. They may be required to bring upto 5-6 models to complete their assessments.
Learners will do the theory exams at any point which they feel ready by booking the exams. This can be done by sending an email to [email protected].
The mandatory course units are:
Practical Exam and Evidence of 5 Treatments
Nine case studies (3 clients x 3 treatment each